the transportation account is invalid ups

Valid length is 1 to 15 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing forward agent address line 1. Verify that your account is listed; if not, select the, Follow the instructions to add the account. Missing or Invalid InternationalForms/EEIFilingOption. A NAFTA Certificate of Origin must have at least one commodity in the request. Package Level COD is not valid for the shipment origin and/or destination. Valid length is 1-3 Numerics. Itemized Charges are not valid for this service. Missing InternationalForms/Product/EEIInformation/ExportInformation. The Client Information exceeds its Maximum Limit of {0}. Needed for EEI processing, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid forward agent state province code. On the E10 Billing Tab, the account number entered account is invalid/incorrect. No more than 3 address line information can be given for sold to address. Exceeds maximum number of allowed packages. Lightly regulated lithium batteries sent via SurePost cannot be shipped outside of the US48. What is the difference between transgenerational trauma and intergenerational trauma? Valid values are KGS or LBS. See UPS Declared Value topic for more information. No more than 3 address line information can be given for forward agent address. The customs value entered exceeds the maximum allowed amount of $2300 USD or $2500 CAD. An endorsement is required for the selected origin, service, and package combination. In some urban locations, UPS may be able to accommodate larger palletized movements. In addition, these changes also apply to UPS Ground service to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and UPS Standard service to select locations worldwide. Switzerland Domestic Container must weigh greater than 2 KG, Worldwide Express Plus from Europe to Switzerland must be UPS Envelope or document only. The selected country does not allow forward movements. If not using third-party billing, the most common cause is due to missing invoice information during the account set up. Maximum value per package: {0} {1}. Missing or Invalid Print Type for UPS Premium Care Form. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with CFR RegulationSet. Invalid product description for product number {0}. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, The selected international form is not valid for the shipment origin country. No shipment found within the allowed void period, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment has already been completed, Pickup Cancellation is not Available on this Pickup Request, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment has previously been canceled, The Pickup Request associated with this shipment cannot be canceled, Return Service Shipments cannot be Voided at the Package Level, International Shipments cannot be Voided at the Package Level, None of the submitted packages were voided, Package(s) {0} selected to void is(are) invalid. UPS Account is not authorized for hold for pickup at UPS Access Point Shipment. Shipper Duty Fee is unavailable with the selected billing option. Missing/Invalid label specification label image format Code. There are some common reasons why youre currently unable to enroll in UPS My Choice, including: The email address you provided is already associated with a UPS My Choice enrollment. The Saturday Delivery option cannot be combined with the UPS Import Control option. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Mail Innovations Dual Returns Shipment. To verify you have the correct information in your profile: UPS tracking solutions show the progress of your shipment every step of the way, across town or around the world. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee addressLine1. [][], Packing Instruction does not match the (PAX, CAO, LTD QTY) packing instruction, basedvon chemical table validation. Your Shipment Cannot Be Processed. Letter service is invalid for shipments with more than 1 package. Dangerous Goods cannot be shipped using UPS Import Control. Length is the longest side of a package. Weight of (actual weight) exceeds maximum for rating the requested container. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing sold to city. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address country code. Control ID Invoice Date From the account menu in the top-right corner of the page, select Payment Options. The maximum total size constraint (length + girth, where girth is 2 x width plus 2 x height) of a UPS Returns Flexible Access package is . Shipment Reference Number is not supported for Mail Innovation shipments. For example, a document such as: invoice/receipt purchase order repair bill/estimate damage photos PackageServiceOption HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. (Description), Shipper EmailAddress cannot exceed a length of 50 characters, Shipper EmailAddress is an invalid format, Shipper number must contain alphanumeric characters only. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid intermediate consignee address line 3. Valid length is 1 to 3 alphanumeric, Schedule B quantity is required when the schedule B unit of measurement code is not equal to X, Invalid or missing export type for product number {0}. And with your Get More loyalty card, you'll . The Package Level Access Point COD is not valid for the shipment origin and/or destination. Missing HandlingUnits container for Density Based Rating request. Invalid or missing ShipFrom tax identification. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee city. Credit Card is the only valid payment method for this type of account. Specified commodity is not permitted from Canada to US through TDG ground service. T9999999999. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid ultimate consignee address line 3. TechnicalName is required for specified ProperShippingName. Successful responses may or may not include warnings. . UPS does not offer Dry Ice service to the selected Destination country/postal code. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with CAO TransportationMode. The shipment for the requested tracking number or the combination of reference number plus shipper number could not be found. Valid length is 0 to 10 alphanumeric, Invalid commodity code for product number {0}. Total Shipment Charges exceeds the customer's PayPal account limit. The selected international form is not valid for the shipment origin and product origin combination. Master Carton shipment must be single piece only. Payment Account is not associated with user profile. (Description), ShipFrom EmailAddress cannot exceed a length of 50 characters, ShipFrom EmailAddress is an invalid format. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service to the selected destination is ({0}) pounds. Shipper phone extension is only valid if a phone number is given. Thermal Receipts are not supported during first phase of Dual MI Returns Label Shipment. The maximum per package weight for the selected option is {0} pounds. HazMat PackagingInstructionCode is Required. 112094: Hard: Missing or Invalid ID number. The Billing address Country is invalid for the credit card. Verify your account is listed; if not, select the Add a UPS Account link Follow the instructions to add the account Select Slide 1 Select Slide 2 Delivering Possibility When satisfied with all other shipping options, select Preview Shipment or Ship Now. Valid length is 24 characters, Ship From Address for Master Carton ID is invalid, Shipper Account for Master Carton ID is invalid, The Worldwide Economy shipment must be single piece only. A shipment can only contain one Commercial Invoice. Next Day Air Early Surcharge is unavailable with the selected service. Invalid or missing currency code. Either license number and license date or license exception code and ECCN number must be present. The specified service name, {0}, and version number, {1}, combination is invalid. Either credit card or account number information is needed but not both. HazMat EmergencyPhone Number exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. Accessorial cannot be shipped with the selected service. Take advantage of in-store savings with your GET MORE Card. Regulation Set is not valid for the origin country. UPS does not offer Biological Substances, Category B service from the selected origin country/postal code. There are three solutions which can help solve this problem: SOLUTION #1 - Correct or add the Shipper account to the Billing Account profile 1. However, more than likely its because your shipper number (Account Number) from the Shipping API was not added to your profile. Missing or Invalid Vendor Collection ID Number. Missing the Cn22 Other Description in the CN22 form, The CN22 Content is not provided in the CN22 form, The Total number of items associated with the content is invalid, The description of the content provided in the CN22 form is invalid, Total Weight of the content provided in the CN22 form is invalid, Total value of the items associated with the content in the CN22 form is invalid, The currency code provided in the CN22 form is invalid. Valid values are 67, 68, 70. Receiver Return Notification is not allowed for the shipment without return service. Valid values are 01 or 02. Please use the destination country currency code. Invalid InternationalForms/PointOfOrigin (If FTZIdentifier length max should be 7). Valid length is 1 to 12 numeric and it can hold up to 6 decimal places, Invalid part number. Invalid or missing User Created Form Data. These errors are critical and prevent requests from processing. PreAlertNotification Phone Number is missing, PreAlert Notification Phone Number may not exceed length of 15, PreAlertNotification Dialect length must be less than or equal to 2, PreAlertNotification Language-Dialect Pair not valid, Pre-alert notification is valid only with UPS Returns Exchange and UPS Returns Pack and Collect shipments, Notification Language must be less than or equal to 3. Package/HazMatPackageInformation required with either AllPackedInOneIndicator/OverPackedIndicator values. To ensure proper routing, the UPS Access Point location ID must be included on the shipping label for all UPS Access Point Economy shipments. Missing or Invalid PayPal Information. PayPal is not supported for this shipment. Missing label specification label stock size. Please Contact Your UPS MI Account Representative. Label Size is not provided in the Cn22 form. DryIce DryIceWeight UnitOfMeasurment Code has invalid value. Package exceeds the maximum length constraint of {description} cm. HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. All Marine Corps freight and personal property shipments throughout the commercial transportation system and the Defense Transportation System (DTS) require a four character TAC assigned from HQMC in lieu of a Line of Accounting (LOA) or Standard Document Number (SDN). UPS Premium Care Form is required if UPS Premium Care Accessorial is requested. What does transportation account invalid mean UPS? Package exceeds the maximum size total constraints { description}. Mail Innovations shipments are limited to 1 package. UPS does not offer dangerous goods service from select origin country: XXX to selected destination country: XXX with selected service level: XXX. The selected international form is not valid for the shipment origin and destination countries, Invalid or missing sold to attention name. Shipper is not eligible to ship Hazardous Material / International Dangerous Goods. HazMat ProperShippingName exceeds maximum length of 150 characters. Missing or Invalid Transportation Mode. The Delivery Confirmation option cannot be combined with the UPS Import Control option. Invalid or missing other charges description. Invalid ReferenceNumber BarCodeIndicator. Label and Receipt links are currently unavailable. The Saturday Pickup option cannot be combined with the UPS Import Control option. Your UPS account number is a six-digit number that identifies your account, whether you have an individual or a corporate account. Risk Class 2.2 cannot exceed 75 KG. Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption ExemptionLegend, Missing or Invalid Forms UPSFiled POA Code. AdditionalDescription is required for this shipment. TACs are used in the shipping and transportation process to link movement authority, funding approval, and accounting data for shipments of cargo and personal property in the Defense Transportation System (DTS). Valid format is yyyyMMdd, Invalid license exception code. The necessary service area validation data could not be retrieved with selected origin country code. Can I use my UPS account number at a UPS store? Missing or invalid alternate delivery address city. UPS does not offer service for XXX from Origin country/postal code. special characters etc. Valid values are MT, G, KG, KG G, L, G, ML, TI.[][]. The Authorized Return Service is unavailable with the selected service. valid range is 0 to 50 alphanumeric, Duplicate International FormType Information. Should indicate one time POA or blanket POA. The Shipper Export Declaration is unavailable with the selected service. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Invalid TunnelRestrictionCode for a given Hazardous material package using ADR RegulationSet. Discount can not be greater than the invoice line total. Missing schedule B unit of measurement information for product number {0}. Please contact UPS Customer Service for assistance 62-0807-1-877-877, The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% cm (length) by %maxwidth% cm (width) by %maxheight% cm (height) for the selected destination. Invalid InternationalForms/Contacts/UltimateConsignee/Address/CountryCode. Missing or Invalid Unit of Measurement for PackageWeight. Select the day you want the payment to be processed by UPS. Lift Gate for Pick Up accessorial is not allowed with Drop Off At UPS Facility accessorial. Log in to (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API) Select Account Summary from the My UPS tab rollover menu. Quickly get estimated shipping quotes for our global package delivery services. Hard errors indicate that an error existed in the request that UPS could not resolve, it is a user error. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Hemp/CBD in WWEF shipment. UPS account number that was provided as the payment method is missing or invalid. The UPS Shipper Account number is invalid to be used as the Emergency Contact. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing reason for export. Valid length is 6 to 15 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product origin country code for product number {0}, Invalid or missing net cost code for product number {0}. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service from the selected origin is ({0}) kgs. The Shipper Export Declaration is unavailable with the selected billing option. Invalid or missing international forms form type for shipment with return service. Missing or Invalid UnitOfMeasurement for AdjustedHeight. Only 3 Package Reference Numbers are allowed for MI shipments. Select the address that you want to register with, and then click Next. Correct value is needed for EEI form, Missing or Invalid Form EEIFilingOption Code. However, more than likely it's because your shipper number (Account Number) from the Shipping API was not added to your profile. Verify your User Id and associated PayPal information. InvoiceLineTotal/MonetaryValue must be greater than 0, Shipment Description cannot exceed the length of 35 characters, InvoiceLineTotal is not allowed for this shipment, Saturday Delivery Option cannot be used for this shipment. Air Freight Packing List and package Packing List are not allowed together in same shipment. Exceeds Total Number of allowed pieces per World Wide Express Shipment. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing license date. Invalid InternationalForms/RoutedTransactionIndicator. Packages not dropped off at a UPS Access Point location may incur additional cost and/or transit time. Valid length is 1 to 15 alphanumeric. You must provide supporting documentation to UPS claim support to process the claim. {Rating Error Description} The weight exceeds the limit for the UPS Letter/Envelope rateand will be rated using the weight. Excepted Quantities are not allowed from the selected Origin country. You may have received this error for a number of reasons. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Special Exceptions. Invalid InternationalForms/PointOfOrigin (If State length should be 2). Notification Media Type is missing or invalid. UPS Access Point Economy Service shipments must have a Hold for Pickup at UPS Access Point or UPS Access Point Delivery Shipment Indication Type or must be a Return shipment. Please contact your Account Representative for resolution. This error is shown when an invalid UPS account number has been set in the Billing Account at the Client level, or none at all. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service from the selected origin is ({0}) pounds. Missing or Invalid Mail Innovations Cost Center. 'Hard9120220Invalid or missing declared value type code for package 1. valid values are 01,02.' Create a Ship Code that includes the accessorial for Declared Value. Your UPS account billing address, phone number, and email address. Verify that your account is listed; if not, select the Add a UPS Account link Follow the instructions to add the account Select Slide 1 Select Slide 2 Select Slide 3 Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee country code, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee company name. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee city. Import Control Shipments does not allow package void in a shipment. Invalid Master Carton ID length. Only 1 Shipment Indication Type allowed in a request. The Transportation Mode for ADR regulation set must be Ground. The given accessory key is invalid for the shipment origin. Click the Connect button. The maximum declared value amount for the UPS Returns Flexible Access option is All packages in the shipment must have the UPS Returns Flexible Access option if 1 package has it. Package exceeds the maximum length constraint of {description} inches. The maximum number of goods printed on CN22 form cannot be more than 1 for combined MI package and CN22 label. No Access and Authentication Credentials provided. Excepted Quantities are not allowed to the selected Destination country. Missing or Invalid Simple Rate Package Code. Packages must weigh more than zero pounds. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Tobacco. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing invoice date. If not, click "Add a Payment Method" and select the "Add Existing Account" option. The given type of shipment is not supported for Label generation. Valid length is 1 to 8 alphanumeric. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid intermediate consignee state province code. Pay weekly shipping instead of one at a time.I believe you have to pay up front,get a C or better and you will get a check about 2 months after submitting your grades. (Description), ShipTo EmailAddress cannot exceed a length of 50 characters. The 3rd and 4th Character Must be the Shipper country ISO Code. The following error codes can apply to all APIs. Invalid GoodsNotInFreeCirculationIndicator. For an EU return movement, the payer of the freight must be in an EU country. Both the combinations can not be present together. Missing or invalid shipment payment method, Missing or invalid credit card expiration date, creditcard number is not valid for the credit card type. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% cm (length) by %maxwidth% cm (width) by %maxheight% cm (height) for the selected origin. Log in to (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API) Select Account Summary from the My UPS tab rollover menu. Valid length is 1 to 5 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing mode of transport. The given postal code is invalid for the given state. Missing or Invalid EEIFilingOption. Why does it say my UPS account number is invalid? Invalid Shipment Delivery Confirmation Type. Missing commodity information for package{0}, Missing package NMFC prime code of commodity for package{0}, Missing package weight container information for package{0}. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid ultimate consignee state province code. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Plants. Should indicate one time POA or Balnket POA, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption EMailAddress, Missing or Invalid Forms Product ExportInformation, Missing or Invalid Forms Product ScheduleB Quantity (line 2), Missing or Invalid Forms Product ScheduleB UnitOfMeasurement Code (line 2), Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation License Code, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation License Number, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation License ECCNNumber, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation LicenseLineValue, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation ITARExemptionNumber, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation USMLCategoryCode, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation EligiblePartyIndicator, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation RegistrationNumber, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation Quantity, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation UnitOfMeasurement Code, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation SignificantMilitaryEquipmentIndicator, Missing or Invalid Forms DDTCInformation ACMNumber, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation is OptOutNotification, Missing or Invalid Forms Document Account Number not enrolled, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation invalid for SDL shipment, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIInformation ITN or SRN, Missing or Invalid Forms SDL shipment indication for products, User generated forms size exceeds total allowable limit for shipment of 50MB. 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the transportation account is invalid ups