khait landslide damage cost

In July 1949, the M7.4 Khait earthquake triggered hundreds of landslides in a mountainous region near the southern limit of the Tien Shan, central Tajikistan. [2] . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. American Geosciences Institute. Landslides can be caused by natural or human events. Approximately 4,000 people were killed in this tragic natural disaster. The 8.5-magnitude Haiyuan Earthquake was the worlds second deadliest earthquake of the 20th Century. 'Khait' is a transliteration from Russian: ; local modern spelling: Hoit (Tajik: ).. The English (UK) government remove Scotland's massive wealth, revenues and resources and send some money back, about 60% of what is removed, as well as making cuts to welfare which is mainly a reserved power to the EngGov (UK) which means that the ScotGov also have to mitigate those (EngGov austerity) cuts to keep people from destitution. Uncategorized Official websites use .gov On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The current lack of relevant tools to assess a complex and ever-changing environment in these cross-border areas does not allow an effective assessment of risks and planning for natural disaster mitigation. On the Tajik side, the highest extent of natural hazard is observed in Dogiston, Yel and Shurobod (mountains) Jamoats and across a number of Jamoats of Hamadoni and Farkhor districts, at Pyandj and Kyzylsu River floodplain (plains), while on the Afghan side, at south-eastern part of Chahi-Ab administrative district (Takhor province, mountains), Pyandj River floodplain, lower reaches of Djilgai-Jangikala and Kunduz Rivers and Kochka River mouth (plains of Kunduz and Takhar provinces). Heavy rainfall affecting southern Ecuador, particularly the province of Azuay, over the past 48 hours caused numerous landslides resulting in casualties and damage. [2], The total distance travelled by the flowslide is 7.4 km. (2009 in press). The average cost for earthquake insurance is between $100 and $300 per year. In a typical year in the United States, expansive soils cause damage to more homes than earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. The landslide is located on the Kabir Kuh anticline in Southwest Iran at 33 degrees north latitude, 47.65 degrees east longitude. For that reason, work to re-examine past seismically-driven events is very welcome, helping us to get a much better understanding of the range of processes and impacts in these events. Of the 8 th International Conf. Land use changes. Landslide, Mudslide, Mudflow & Insurance Coverage Earthquake coverage is generally available as a supplemental coverage to your standard homeowners, renters or business policy. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, Haiyuan Landslides, China, 1920 - 200,000 deaths, Vargas Tragedy, Venezuela, 1999 - 30,000 deaths, Khait Landslides, Tajikistan, 1949 - 28,000 deaths, Armero Tragedy, Colombia, 1985 - 20,000 to 23,000 deaths, Yungay Landslide, Peru, 1970 - 22,000 deaths, Diexi Landslides, China, 1933 - 9,300 deaths, North India Landslides, India, 2013 - 5,700 to 6,054 deaths, Huaraz Debris Flow, Peru, 1941 - 5,000 deaths, Nevado Huascaran Debris Fall, Ranrahirca, Peru, January 1962 - 4,500 deaths, Vajont Dam Landslide, Italy, 1963 - 2,500 deaths, Kelud Lahars Landslide, Indonesia, 1919 - 200 deaths. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [3] There are no official contemporary records as information about major disasters was suppressed during Stalin's leadership. 70 Nevado Huascaran Debris Fall, Yungay, Peru, May 1970 (22,000 deaths), 3. What are the harmful effect of landslide? Heavy rainfall had been previously recorded in the region which had also led to flash floods, but the devastation produced in 2013 was comparable to no earlier data. Costs are for different periods and are unadjusted for inflation; therefore, strict comparisons of data from different years should be avoided. Can major landslides and debris flows happen in all areas of the U.S.? According to them, thoughtless human intervention in the Himalayan mountain ecosystem had rendered the ecosystem extremely fragile and prone to disaster. Mount Huascarn is a famous Peruvian mountain with a snowcapped peak that rises to a height of 22,205 feet. Such simple measures could save lives and empower local communities to take some ownership of their level of landslide risk. Stalker ). The estimated volume for this landslide is about 75 MCM. The Khait or Hoit landslide occurred on July 10, 1949 in the Hoit district in the Gharm Oblast in the Tajikistan, then part of the Soviet Union. Estimates based on likely population densities in the two settlements that suffered the most damage, Khait and Khisorak, suggest that only about 800 people are likely to have died directly as a result of the landslide. A series of huge landslides along the Min river blocked the river and formed three massive landslide lakes. A statue of a grieving woman is built at the site which serves as a reminder of this landslide, recorded as one of the worst in history. The area is still at risk as the environment is conducive to powerful lahars even today. The landslide was triggered by the 1949 Khait earthquake and buried 33 villages and has by some estimates killed 28,000 people. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The earthquake occurred in a tectonically complex region at the southern edge of the Tien Shan. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a sloped section of land. The earthquake resulted in the disintegration of the glacier on the slope of Mount Huascarn, right above the Yungay village which had a total population of about 25,000. The 1949 Khait (Hoit) earthquake ( Russian: 1949 ; Tajik: 1949) occurred at 09:45 local time (03:53 UTC) on 10 July in the Gharm Oblast region of the Tajik SSR of the Soviet Union (within the modern boundary of Tajikistan ). Khait Landslide, Tajikstan, July 1949 (4,000 deaths)), 8. However, landslide costs across the country are not currently tracked or measured in a uniform way by any one agency, so this figure is likely to be an underestimate. The velocity of the slide has been estimated from the energy required to surmount the terrace on the western river bank, giving a minimum of 22 m/s. Landslides are more frequent and more likely to occur on higher ground. The earthquake occurred in a tectonically complex region at the southern ed The air bomb and the tidal wave took as many as 2,500 lives, wiping out the citys population plus also forcing the destruction of many more nearby towns and villages although the dam was pretty intact retaining two-thirds of the water after this misfortune. [2] At the same time the Tajik Basin is being shortened in response to oblique collision with the Pamirs, forming a series of north-south to SW-NE trending thrust faults, the earthquake is thought to have been caused by movement on the Vakhsh thrust, one of these faults. What is causing the plague in Thebes and how can it be fixed? It is interesting to note that landslides, mudslides, and avalanches as natural disasters are very similar in the damage they can bring about. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The paper presents a synthesis of the key findings of the conference and workshop convened to consider the causes of and lessons to be learned from the disastrous rockslide-debris avalanche on 17 February 2006 in southern Leyte, Philippines. On the basis of data from other sources, the estimated annual damages on a per capita basis for the City of Los Angeles, Calif., are about $1.60. Mount Huascarn is a famous Peruvian mountain with a snowcapped peak that rises to a height of 22,205 feet. The damages can be significantly reduced, however, through the combined action of technical experts, government, and the public. 'Khait' is a transliteration from Russian: ; local modern spelling: Hoit (Tajik: ). The other landslide considered is a very large and complex flowslide that swept down the Yasman Valley, covering about 20 km. English version, Dating, triggering, modelling, and hazard assessment of large landslides, Large landslides: Dating, triggering, modelling, and hazard assessment, Fragmentation in the Val Pola rock avalanche, Italian Alps, Ice, moraine, and landslide dams in mountainous terrain, Geological causes and geomorphological precursors of the Tsaoling landslide triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan, Simulation of Tsaoling landslide, Taiwan, based on Saint Venant equations over general topography, The 17 February 2006 rock slide-debris avalanche at Guinsaugon Philippines: a synthesis. Mount Kelud, in Eastern Java, Indonesia, is quite infamous as an extremely active, hazardous volcano, and one which has erupted about 30 times in the past killing thousands of people in its volcanic disasters. To request access reinstatement, contact us at The 50,000 landslides at the epicenter of Haiyuan County (today called the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) with the widespread breaking of the ground led to a series of aftershocks that lasted three years. English: View of the Khait landslide triggered by the 1949 Khait earthquake, the scar on Chokhran mountain shows the origin of the slide, which overwhelmed the village of Khait. More than the usual rainfall that year made it worse. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. For centuries, the mountainous belt running through Central Asia has witnessed a large number of disasters involving earthquake-triggered landslides. How did the landslide trigger the eruption of Mt St Helens? Explosions burst through the trailing part of the landslide, blasting rock debris northward. Some reports, such as the Wikipedia article on this landslide, have suggested a death toll as high as 28,000 people, although to be fair this may well be something of a misinterpretation of the original source. 'Khait' is a transliteration from Russian: ; local modern spelling: Hoit (Tajik: ). 62 Nevado Huascaran Debris Fall, Ranrahirca, Peru, January 1962 (4,500 deaths) 7. Economic damage caused by major landslides worldwide as of 2016. What are the natural causes of landslides? The impact of a landslide can be extensive, including loss of life, destruction of infrastructure, damage to land and loss of natural resources. This will be the topic of an upcoming post.ReferenceEvans, S., Roberts, N., Ischuk, A., Delaney, K., Morozova, G., & Tutubalina, O. Project activities were carried out on the basis of individual contract between United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Phd of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Mr. Viktor Snezhko. Buildings can crumble or collapse, trapping people inside and burying streets in rubble. An anecdotal time to failure curve is presented, based on eyewitness accounts and observations of instability. In January of 1962, a thaw triggered the breaking off of a portion of the north summit of the mountain, leading to a landslide/avalanche that led to the tragic death of nearly 4,500 people. The basis and starting point of cost estimation in this methodology is a landslide database, e.g., the one maintained by our working group (cf. 'Khait' is a transliteration from Russian: ; the local modern spelling is Hoit ( Tajik: ). The mudslide in Peru in 1983 caused . It ended up carrying 50-100 million cubic meters of water, mud, and rocks, which reached the village of Yungay and smothered all life forms therein under its deadly cover. Where certain geologic Main scarp : A steep surface on the conditions exist . Date: 1949: Source: USGS Earthquake information bulletin 20 : Author: R.L. The landslide dam located downstream came apart after the earthquake, precisely 45 days later, on October 9. In May of 1970, an earthquake triggered a massive series of landslides and avalanches of rock and snow that buried the towns of Yungay and Ranrahirca. The area covered by the Yasman valley slide is about 24.4km2, with a total estimated volume of 245 MCM (million cubic metres). Nearly 22,000 people perished in this natural disaster. Landslides are the most costly geo-hazard in the world, and theyre often the cause or the result of other hazards and disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. The 1920 Gansu earthquake shockingly initiated 675 big landslides that spread throughout the Gansu province. Almost half of the U.S. states are at risk for earthquake damage. Adjusting these figures for the population of each area, the annual cost of damages per capita are $1.30 in the nine-county San Francisco Bay region; $2.50 in Allegheny County, Pa.; and $5.80 in Hamilton County, Ohio. Another dam in the nearby Lake Jircacocha was also broken by the flowing glacial water, resulting in the furious waters of both of the two lakes emptying themselves onto the city of Huaraz, claiming more than 5,000 lives in the process. Landslides are caused by rain, earthquakes, volcanoes, or other factors that make the slope unstable. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. The disaster struck the southern limits of the Tien Shan ranges in central Tajikistan. The debris that traveled a shocking 10.2 miles, carrying 50-100 million cubic meters of mud, ice, and rocks came crumbling down the slope classifying this event as a landslide and avalanche. On steep slopes Crown: un-displaced material still in 2. 'Khait' is a transliteration from Russian: ; the local modern spelling is Hoit (Tajik: ). Diexi Slides, Sichuan, China, August 1933 (3,000+ deaths) 9. Sierra Leone Mudslides. The flow broadened as it reached the main Obi-Kabud River valley, sweeping through part of Khait, crossing the river, before climbing a 25 m high terrace on the river's western bank and continuing a further 700 m, overwhelming the village of Khisorak. It has been 11 days since the town of Oso, north of Seattle,. North India Flood mudslides, Kedarnath, India, June 2013 (5,700 deaths), 4. The consequences were disastrous with the forming of an inland tidal wave, the force of the fall was so terrible that the atomic bomb type of powerful gust of air crushed the city of Longarone with only 30 children managing to survive. A re-examination of the mechanism and human impact of catastrophic mass flows originating on Nevado Huascarn, Cordillera Blanca, Peru in 1962 and 1970, On the loss of life in landslides during the 1949 Khait earthquake. Famous as being one of the most severe landslide dam breach events in Chinese history, it claimed thousands of lives. Khait landslide happened in 1949. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Most Expensive Home Insurance Claims Claims for water damage and freezing are the third most-costly type of home insurance claim. Rostislav Khait was born on September 21, 1971, in Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Ukraine]. Kelud Lahars, East Java, Indonesia, May 1919 (5,000+ deaths), 5. Landslide damages are one of the most costly natural disasters in the United States. The Khait or Hoit landslide occurred on July 10, 1949 in the Hoit district in the Gharm Oblast in the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, then part of the Soviet Union. Re: Second Appeal - Ohio Township (Monroe), PA ID: 111-57988-00, FEMA-4424-DR-OH, Grants Manager Project 100652 - Result of Declared Incident, Landslides and Slope Stabilization. The landslide near the rural community of Manti, Utah, caused an expenditure of about $1,800,000 or about $1,000 per person during the period 1974-76. Because a recurrence for such a landslide cannot be established, it is not possible to develop a meaningful estimate of annual per capita damages. An article in press in the journal Engineering Geology, by Steve Evans and colleagues (Evans et al. Triggered by natural or artificial disturbances, landslides occur along steep sloping regions. It had an estimated magnitude of 7.5 '"`UNIQ--templatestyles-00000002-QINU`"'Mw. Our special thanks go to: Bakhtdavlatov Rahmonbek Davlatbekovich the first deputy chief of General Directorate for Geology under the Government of Tajikistan, Alisho Shomahmadov, Head of Inf. ADVERTISEMENT. Landslides occur in a variety of environments, characterized by either steep or . The river is known to have begun cutting the valley through the glacial sediments roughly 12,000 years ago, suggesting an average recurrence rate of about 500 years based on the 25 landslides. It travelled with an estimated velocity of about 40m/s.[3]. The khait landslide traveled 7.41 kilometres in a downhill with a distance of 1421 metres. The avalanche travelled a distance of 16.5 kilometers. For the fastest reinstatement, please tell us your IP . Heavy rainfall caused havoc in the Northern states of India and around June 16, 2013, a series of landslides and floods took over five thousand lives. What causes them? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 1988, resulted in approximately $12 million in damage and cost $8 million to rebuild. If the costs were available for the damages from landslides in Los Angeles in 1977-78 and 1979-80, the annual per capita costs probably would be much larger. For the Yasman Valley flowslide they estimate about 4,000 fatalities, and they determine that there were probably a further 2,400 deaths. Killing an enemy with this ability is counted as a Melee Kill. Huge boulders in the landscape can be signs of past debris flows. Causes of landslides include earthquakes, deforestation, and erosion. The landslide was triggered by the 1949 Khait earthquake and buried 33 villages and has by some estimates killed 28,000 people. The landslides completely buried the towns of Carmen de Uria and Cerro Grande, many homes were washed into the ocean. Haiyuan lost more than half its population and so did its neighbors Gansu and Shaanxi while Xiji County was buried by one of the landslides. Site. The rainfall triggered a series of large and small flash floods and debris flows that claimed around 30,000 lives in the region. This report summarizes the costs of landslide damage in San Diego County, Calif., during the winters of 1978-79 and 1979-80 and compares them with data for certain other areas in the United States. What was the biggest mudslide? Unfortunately our understanding of seismically-driven landslides, and their impacts, remains poor, certainly in comparison with rainfall induced slides. The Regional Director . "Beginning from 2011, UNDP has been implementing Tajik-Afghan Poverty Reduction Initiative (TAPRI), financed by the Government of Japan and aimed at addressing cross-border issues in the south of Tajikistan and the north of Afghanistan. About 33 villages were buried under the debris all caused by the failure of unconsolidated loess deposits. More than 5,700 lives were lost which was later reported to be 6,054. Impact Forecasting LLC 200 East Randolph Street Chicago, IL 60601 t: 1.312.381.5919 f: 1.312.381.0181 Event Recap Report: 11210 Haiti Earthquake Impact Social agitators claim that many people lost their lives mainly because the area did not have strict rules on the construction of homes, which allowed people to build homes on unstable ground. Steve and his colleagues have also just published a similar paper (Evans et al. Photo credit: FEMA News. While they are often followed by earthquakes, volcanic disturbances, and droughts, most landslides are accompanied by heavy rains. An official website of the United States government. What do they mean. Trapping people inside and burying streets in rubble, China, August 1933 ( 3,000+ deaths ) 9 them thoughtless! Colleagues have also just published a similar paper ( Evans et al,! All the cookies in the category `` Performance '' the paper by the... 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khait landslide damage cost