naboo and alderaan

In fact, they favored relatively simple designs with muted colors with a viceroy's apparel of office included a long coat. [56], The Naboo colonists later expanded to other uninhabited planets in the Chommell sector, such as Karlinus. In episode II, the assassination attempts could be against both Padme AND Bail because they both oppose the war. From space, the planet of Alderaan, located in the star system of the same name,[3] appeared as a blue-green orb enveloped in a white web of clouds. [44], About three years before the Battle of Yavin,[45] Senator Bail Organa dispatched three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes to the Phoenix Cell, which has sustained losses while fleeing Garel. Ki-Adi-Mundi. [3], Take a moment and look around this glorious city of yours. 8. [22], The cities on Alderaan were carefully designed to respect the natural beauty of their environment. Immigrated species Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." [42] During this time, Alderaan became the Alliance's main source of munitions. The Imperials forced the princess to witness the obliteration of her home planet. Beings would also wear such coverings out of modesty, hiding parts . For one, it lives on the edge of Republic space, making it an important foothold in the Clone Wars. However, they still had not chosen a monarch, and were ruled by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor. [49] Nevertheless, the people of Naboo resented the fact that it was their world that brought forth a man like Palpatine. Content approaching. Baby Luke was brought to his father's planet of Tattooine, and baby Leia brought to her mom's. [56], Naboo culture fostered the artist in every citizen, encouraging children to become musicians, performers, painters, and similar professions. Maybe Palpatine also put something in the suit to amplify that effect. Societal information [48] A short time after Alderaan's destruction, the Death Star was destroyed in the Battle of Yavin, taking Tarkin[3] and many other high ranking Imperials with it. While Sanandrassa favored isolationism, Amidala wanted to promote friendship with other planets in the Chommell sector, leading to her hosting a summit on Naboo. In exchange, the colonies became legally obligated to provide Naboo with any supplies it deemed were necessary if called upon in times of emergency. The first six movies would honestly gain a lot of cohesion if the word Naboo were just replaced with Alderaan, at least in my opinion. [8], Breha also witnessed the fall of the democratic Galactic Republic and its replacement by the dictatorial Galactic Empire, and, along with her consort and viceroy Bail Prestor Organa, played a major part in the rise of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [1] There were also crown jewels, which Brea and Senni Tonnika once broke into the Royal Palace to steal; their attempt failed, forcing them to hide in a dumpster for two nights. [72], By 35 ABY,[74] Naboo's skies were being patrolled by Star Destroyers from the First Order as part of its expansive efforts to establish galactic dominance. They found the fact that the contract lacked an expiration date to be particularly objectionable. These ships and personnel would then be returned to Alderaan after the crisis ended. The Separatists, the clone army, the secret Sith Lord pulling all the s. [14] Eventually, a general named Jafan managed to end the war, uniting the opposing factions through both force of arms and force of will. Their heiress Princess Leia was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or just "Princess." Under the guise of his Sith title Darth Sidious, Palpatine secretly engineered an invasion of his peaceful homeworld by the Trade Federation in a bid for power. "[21] Alderaanians were very artistic and lived for this beauty, but the planet still hid treacherous cliffs and forgotten crevasses. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [9] The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has three moons. . [11], Alderaan first appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the seminal movie of the Star Wars saga. [11], With the Clone Wars coming to an end, Chancellor Palpatine had abolished the Republic, establishing the Galactic Empire in its stead. [69] The fleet consisted of members of Danger Squadron, which arrived in T-65B X-wing starfighters led by Danger Leader Duros Shriv Suurgav,[27] Nunb in the Mellcrawler II, and the MC80 Star Cruiser Restoration. Climate disruption array now at twenty percent. [37] The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Senator Bail Antilles. However, as more information became available about the Empire's role in the destruction of Alderaan, the vigils soon turned into riots, which were quickly repressed by brute force. The exact number of moons in Naboo is currently unknown. [1] In some cases, the monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio. At first, Bane and Moralo Eval were successful in capturing Palpatine. The handmaidens gathered for a final stand. [11] Unlike most other worlds, the ancient planet lacked a molten core, and instead comprised a conglomerate of large, rocky bodies that made up a network of tunnels and flooded caves. Wesa warriors.Jar Jar Binks, Following the wars with humans, the Gungan tribes engaged in war with each other. The plot, however, was thwarted by the Jedi apprentice Ahsoka Tano. So in episode I, Palpatine is the senator from Alderaan and after he's elected as chancellor, there are no senators to take his place so he allows both Padme and Bail to serve in his place (I . Gungans live in beautiful submerged . [69], Sab, former handmaiden of Padme Amidala, brought Darth Vader to Naboo in 3 ABY. [3], Under threat of destroying her planet, Leia gave a fake location of the rebel base to Tarkin, only for Tarkin to nevertheless destroy Alderaannoting that Dantooine was too remote for an "effective demonstration"[3]to punish the world for supporting the Rebellion,[48] hoping the annihilation of the entire world would make the rest of the galaxy fear Imperial retribution for supporting the Rebels. Yoda. Amidala guided her home planet through the invasion and sealed a new friendship with the Gungans. [45], Both the Naboo and Gungans had a close relationship with water. [57], In the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Alderaan was mistakenly depicted as being in the Colonies instead of the Core Worlds.[44]. Alderaan and Naboo needed to be 2 different Planets because I doubt Palpatine would allow Tarkin to destroy Naboo. Alderaan Refugee Conference during the Clone Wars. [24], At the time of Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa, the royal family also possessed a ranch where they grew emerald grapes used to make high-quality emerald wine, which was greatly liked by Hiram Zataire,[25] and a penthouse suite on Coruscant called Cantham House that was considered relatively modest by either royal or senatorial standards,[1] though the former handmaiden Sab noted that the Alderaanian plants and pieces of art that incorporated wind or water that were on the roof of Cantham House must have cost a fortune. [66] At that time, Sio Bibble had finally decided to retire from governorship over Naboo, setting the stage for an election that Sach was seemingly going to win. [16] However, upon his birth he was considered a member of the Elder Houses. The plans were later stolen from the data vault on Scarif, and transferred aboard the Tantive IV. It had grasslands, mountains and large oceans. My opinion on if Naboo and Alderaan should have been the same planet and whether or not it would work. Art[7]Luxury goods[7]Wine[7] Primary language(s) [59] The people of Naboo celebrated this event during the Festival of Light. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Although the Alderaanian diaspora regrouped, they had yet to reform their monarchy by 5 ABY. 364 standard days[8] [40], The Clone Wars saw a change in Alderaan. Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. A green, lush planet with swamps and mountains, they probably experienced flash floods on occasion. The heir must prove herself worthy in body, heart, and mind. . Major cities Imperial forces were immobilized by the ion pulse rendering all of their weapons and vehicles inoperable leading to the surrender of Imperial forces. Since Alderaan could not be seen directly supporting the rebels, Senator Organa arranged for his adopted daughter Leia to deliver the vessels to Lothal. Due to the destruction of Alderaan Leia's mother, Breha Organa, couldn't attach the Rhindon Sword to her waist before Leia went to meet her husband though during the ceremony Leia felt as if her mother was attaching the sword and her father, Bail Organa, was kissing her on the cheek. Alderaan is a prime target for the Death Star because it's near the Core and therefore will make an effective demonstration for Tarkin. [73] Berenko was among the millions killed when the First Order destroyed Hosnian Prime, the home of the Senate at the time. The planet's crown princess and representative in the Imperial Senate, Princess Leia Organa,[3] began using her diplomatic immunity as an Imperial senator to carry out Rebel missions in restricted Imperial systems. The High Republic at New York Comic Con, Phase II Begins Now, and More. [9] Despite this, certain Gungan navigators utilized time-honored trade routes through the planet's structure, which served as the most expedient avenues to reach other areas of the planet. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. These things just seem too coincidental, almost like Naboo was intended to be Alderaan and changed in a later draft. Once in space, the three women were attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters, but managed, nonetheless, to knock out all of the satellites. [1] The princess' simplistic style often caused her to clash with her attendant droid WA-2V who was programmed to ensure that the princess was always presented in grand style for every occasion. Whatever happens, Leia you must keep Alderaan alive.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarch of Alderaan (otherwise referred to as "the King" if male, and "the Queen" if female) both ruled and governed the planet,[1] with the help of ministers and advisors. [1], The crown of Alderaan is not merely inherited. In order to get everyone on the same page, George Lucas decided to create a few background stories and ideas. 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Hands up. Ric Oli and his rebel cell, the Amidalans, attempted to protect Padm's tomb from Vader, but were killed in the process. He was also a member of the system's royal family, styled as His Serene Highness, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. [27] Alderaan was known to the galaxy as "the planet of beauty. Today of all days, you must look your best. There also would have been an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. ""You say that every day. When the monarchy was established, its traditions involving the succession were also established, such as the heir's Day of Demand and their three challenges. The Alderaaian monarch was expected to wear braids. Amidala and Binks, with the help of the Jedi Order and the Gungan Peppi Bow, discovered the Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi's secret laboratory in the Eastern swamps. Obi-Wan Kenobi Props, LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, and More! [1] She remained on the throne until her death[9] in 0 BBY,[3] which occurred during the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star,[9] a mobile, spherical battle station the size of a Class IV moon. So in episode I, Palpatine is the senator from Alderaan and after hes elected as chancellor, there are no senators to take his place so he allows both Padme and Bail to serve in his place (I dunno. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mothma aligns herself with Naboo's Padme Amidala (Catherine Taber) and Alderaan's Bail Organa (Phil Lamarr) to offer a peaceful solution to the war. [32], Upon the formation of its monarchy it was established that the heir apparent to Alderaan must complete a Challenge of the Heart, Challenge of the Mind and Challenge of the Body which would be announced on their Day of Demand and upon completion they would be officially invested as heir. Grid square The native Gungans, who built their homes in the waters of Naboo, rarely ventured into the core, fearing the ravenous sea beasts which resided[1] in areas such as the Caves of Eleuabad. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Forests[7]Mountainous[9]Plains[7] This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's, This article needs appropriate citations. Alderaan ( / ldrn, - rn /) is a fictional planet featured in the Star Wars franchise. The Heir's Crown was decorated with jewels. [60] The wealthy San Tekka clan was based on Naboo. Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy A Graphic Novel, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Alliance to Restore the Republic-aligned governments. Under the contract, Naboo took advantage of every other planet in the Chommell sector from time to time. With the taxation of trade routes in dispute, the Trade Federation set up a blockade of battleships around the star system, stopping all shipping to the planet. ""It's true every day. [13], In 867 BBY, Naboo joined the Galactic Republic,[58] the democratic union that sought to govern the galaxy. [5] There is also a discrepancy over the names of the three moons: Nexus of Power states that the moons where Ohma-D'un, Rori, and a small third moon that has no in-universe name,[13] while Rise of the Separatists, a sourcebook from Star Wars Roleplaying, states that the three moons of Naboo are Rori, Veruna, and Ohma-D'un. 18 standard hours[7] During her reign, Queen Breha was properly heralded and referred to as "Her Majesty Breha Organa" or "Her Majesty Queen Breha," and addressed as "Your Majesty." As a result, Naboo lacked any combat-trained pilots by the time of the Battle of Endor. [28], Following the end of the Clone Wars, Viceroy Bail and Queen Breha adopted Leia Amidala Skywalker, the daughter of the now deceased Padm Amidala and former Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord Anakin Skywalker, renaming her to Leia Organa and making her princess of Alderaan. Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor. Mace Windu. The Empire also demilitarized Naboo and dissolved the Royal Naboo Security Forces's starfighter wing. Naboo is as idyllic as Alderaan, yet here an undercurrent of later Imperial traits can be felt. The queen heartily accepted Organa's offer, claiming that the Naboo felt great shame over Palpatine's actions. Years later the people would still speak of Breha's accident. They were not, however, bereft of spirit, as many of them chose to join the rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Many heirs gave up their keepsake chests at the point of investiture, but the ritual didn't demand it. [7] Many refugees from across the Republic came to Alderaan to find their way again or to stay on Alderaan. Cerean Jedi Master and general on the High Council with a large head. However, they still had not chosen a monarch, and were ruled by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor. 5 Reply Share Report Save Follow Jar Jar Binks and Padm Amidala hailed from the Naboo. Naboo quickly became notorious as a vacation spot and as a private hunting preserve amongst big-game hunters across the Mid Rim, although it would be around a century before permanent human settlement. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." Alderaanian architecture made use of white synthstone, which inspired the architecture of certain mining economies of the Outer Rim Territories, like the floating colony of Cloud City, and the planets Lothal and Garel. [3] In the treatment, rough draft, second draft, and third draft of what would become A New Hope, the name of Alderaan was used for the capital of the "New Galactic Empire." The war came to an end due to the actions of Boss Gallo, a Gungan who united the tribes under one banner through diplomatic and military means. [36], Originally, Naboo was home to the amphibian Gungans. [11], During the High Republic Era, Alderaan was a prosperous world and, as a signatory of the Republic Defense Coalition treaties, was required to lend starships and personnel to be commanded by Republic military officers during times of crisis. dans la littrature. Organa was taken prisoner by Vader, the Emperor's second-in-command, and brought before the Death Star's commanding officer, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. [4] Because the monarchs of Alderaan proved loyal and compassionate to their people, regardless of their social background, they, in turn, enjoyed the loyalty and love of the Alderaanians. As a result, Breha's lungs and heart had to be replaced with pulmonodes, though she chose not to go through the bacta sessions necessary to grow new flesh and skin around them later, telling her daughter that it reminded her that she lived and that she cannot be stopped so easily. Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman) is the Queen of Naboo at the age of 14, and we know that Leia becomes an influential politician on Alderaan during her adolescence. former queen of Naboo Senator Padm Amidala and her entourage were invited to Alderaan by Queen Breha and stayed at the royal palace for a week before returning home to Naboo. [13], After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. Padm Amidala, then senator of Naboo, was nearly assassinated during the conference when the Hutt crime lord Ziro, whom Amidala had sent to prison, hired the bounty hunter Aurra Sing to take revenge. [9] Its surface had vast bodies of water[3] and was covered in snow-capped mountains,[9] with patches of green grassy hills. [66], The real-world locations for Naboo were Plaza de Espaa in Seville, Spain and Lake Como and Caserta Palace in Italy, among others. Breha Organa also would have attached the Rhindon Sword to Leia's waist before going to meet her husband (or wife). Privacy Policy. Population You must understand this.Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Rugor Nass, Naboo was inhabited by two societies: an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans and a group of peaceful humans who were referred to as the Naboo. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Diameter [13], While the Gungans flourished for thousands of years before, this only lasted until around 3900 BBY. Maybe we could take this to the Clone Wars as well? What happens to one of you will affect the other. [11], Breha Organa eventually succeeded her mother[11] as queen of Alderaan. [45], Right as the Naboo summit ended,[45] about ten years before the Clone Wars, Naboo was blockaded and invaded by the Trade Federation. The rebels went as far as baiting a Sando aqua monster into fighting the Dark Lord of the Sith. Palpatine still tells Vader that Padme dies. The Alderaanian monarchy was the hereditary monarchy of the planet Alderaan. Astrographical information Her injuries almost killed her; she was only saved by the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. We are loved by our people. [62] Instead, all major decisions regarding Naboo were placed firmly in the hands of the sector's Moff, a position held by[67] Palpatine's close ally[45] and former Security Forces officer Quarsh Panaka,[67] who was appointed before the election for governor could even happen. Major imports Candlewick flower[11]Chinar tree[14]Conifer[11]Kriin-wood[15]Starblossom[16]Starflower[17] All education was free, and people would volunteer to teach various skills or crafts just for fun. Before Alderaan met its tragic end, it was a galactic hub of art, culture, and freedom. As such, surviving Alderaanians would be treated with great respect for their lost world and people. Eventually, the Elders vanished as mysteriously as they arrived, leaving only stone statues behind. Naboo imposed a contract on the colonists of these other planets, wherein Naboo would give the new colonies a loan to cover the start-up costs of colonization. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. [55] When the colonists made contact with the Gungans, tensions arose between the two peoples, culminating a series of wars between the two species. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? In that movie, the planet was only seen from space during the scene depicting its destruction. Demonym In ancient times, Alderaanian heirs who partook in their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the palace throne room. [23] They managed to prevent Vindi from releasing stockpiles of the Blue Shadow Virus into Naboo's surface. We'll deserve to lose it.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarchy on Alderaan already existed a millennium before the rule of the Galactic Empire. That year, the then-Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Finis Valorum, was ousted from office, and Antilles was nominated for the position in the resulting election. Author Darth Giacomo Date 28-May-2019, 10:08 PM Author Darth Giacomo Time 28-May-2019 10:08 PM Post link. So I submit that the theory is still good because George Lukus is a dumbass. [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. Lacked any combat-trained pilots by the quick action of the Elder Houses not it would work lost and., Following the Wars with humans, the assassination attempts could be both. 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naboo and alderaan