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You will likely experience frequent inconveniences in this area during this transit. This is likely to be a very positive time in your life, and you are inclined to be in good spirits. 1)Houses: Areas of life. 1 year ago on October 19, 2021 at 3:12 pm. Saturn governs longevity after all, and the 10th house rules over our careers and our reputation, so this definitely makes sense. My most emotionally nurturing and fulfilling relationships (romantic, familial & platonic) have been with people who have their moon WELL ASPECTED in my 4th or 12th house. aries placement women would be the type to say "if i can do it they can as well what's the deal" when in a relationship with someone, they don't focus on having polarity necessarily because of the abundance of yang they have already within, they don't need it from someone. Its because Aries Moon is self, well self-focused when it comes to their feelings. It's occurring at around 8 degrees of Gemini - the point where Mars retrograded back to before it moved forward again. A note on the difference between a composite and a synastry chart! (Whether this is true or not, this is how people perceive your childhood). Chiron person might have a deep rooted wound connected with them or because of them for the rest of their life. Follow @sosastrology for more Astrology posts . Aries Moon, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio/Aries Ascendant, Scorpio MC/North Node, Aries MC/North Node can have similar intense gaze, intense, darker eyes. Whereas, a composite chart tells us about the relationship as a Unit. LIBRA risings Ive noticed, can be very cynical but very motivated to move forward nonetheless especially because theyd never want to let anybody else down. So this carries on from Jupiter lmao, like I said Im worried too much about my health and if Im doing enough routine-wise. Personally, I know people with this degree, and theyve never shown an indication that they would do something like that. The inconveniences they cause can be very frustrating, but you will be okay! They just need adventure and fun in their relationships. AQUARIUS risings, Ive noticed are really good at knowing how to get a rise out of people and also knowing EXACTLY how people are going to react to what theyll say or do. Ive truly never seen a placement attract such envy/extreme reactions from others. Libra sun in 5th, pisece moon in 10th and Gemini asc! I have Venus conjunct Pluto natally. If you have Jupiter conjunct the MC, you may work as a spiritual teacher, or an academic teacher. I was on YouTube, and Maren Altman (a very good Hellenistic Astrologer) made the observation that people who have the ruler of the 5th or the 7th house in the 12th house often experience their shadow-side in the context of romantic relationships. So I like to say that it manifests more as themes, rather than personality traits! However, my chart readings are still open (the link is in my bio!) For example, lets say you have transit Jupiter making a conjunction to your Natal Moon, and it is making a trine to your natal Venus. And whatever Leonardo DiCaprio has in his chart. What Im about to say is quite controversial, and most people actually dont come to a consensus regarding this topic. They are using a lip gloss and you really like it, they would just give it to you or offer it. These are based on my personal observations. The 7th house more in a business sense, as you have the potential to enter into a business partnership with this person. I would love match you with Taurus Sun, Pisces or Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising! 11 *use sidereal measurements when referring to these. If you have one placement that is considered difficult, I promise you, you are not doomed. Its like someone knocking on the door of your house, and coming into your space. scandalous. She may have also had to go through a lot to make sure that you were taken care of. Please do know that if your chart ruler is Saturn, things will get a lot easier for you, after your first Saturn return! astrology thoughts/observations of the week. However, it can also show a couple who bonds over their shared problems. Cancer Sun or Sun at a Cancer degree (4, 16, 28) men often have more feminine first or middle name. She likely taught you that confidence is what gets you far in life. TAURUS risings are very generous and giving, and it tends to be because they dont want to get wrapped out in the complicated nature of 8th house stuff. Thus, Mars transits tend to be more difficult for me. A Taurus Rising in a composite chart can show a couple who are very physically affectionate with each other, especially in public. How would this play out. Ive observed that it is usually the planet person who has a profound impact on the North Node person In these contacts. Ive said this before but when transit Uranus was in my 4th house, I moved homes 5 times. Their careers or impact tends to span over many years, even in careers that are known to have a relatively short shelf-life. They might even hurt someone, because of being jealous. They are much more private about their curious nature (can result to getting background info about you from friends or/and social media). One thing that is so important when it comes to assessing how your Jupiter return will affect you, is by looking at where Jupiter is placed in your chart, and the aspects it makes. But in reality, the transition from teen to young adult is not always smooth sailing. Palestine is a Roman invention. This degree also deals with earrings, which is funny because I have 5 piercings in my ears. With the conjunction, you may find yourself attracting a lot of frenemies where you can tell that they are not fond of you, but for whatever reason they still hang around you. This doesnt mean they cant be monogamous, because most of them are, contrary to popular belief. Capricorn North Node person (often even paired with being at an Aquarius degree) usually achieves something others badly want to achieve really young. Their relationships often start quickly, and end just as fast or unpredictably. Cancer over the 8th house: your family (especially the mother) and relatives will react strongly to your death. Its not that one of the calculators is wrong, they just have very different methods of calculations. So, 5th house synastry really appeals to me, as it has the element of spontaneity & surprise; and its not too restrictive. Moon: Your degree here shows how you deal with your emotions and which area of your life emphasizes them. Note: it might be a little different from other theories, but this is how I usually do it. Interestingly, I have often seen similarities between the angles in parent-child synastry! These are just my personal anecdotes. It belongs to us, and people like you would see us murdered simply for reclaiming our homeland. cancer sun, cancer mercury, cancer venus, cancer mars, aries moon, sag rising. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. For example: their friends might all be dating, getting partner and out of protest they will not be doing that at the same time as others. Or my second option for you would be Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising!! My love there's no " Isra*l " it was Palestine, still Palestine and will always be Palestine those who call themselves " Isra*lis" are guests who remained more than they should in the Palestinian land. This also shows in how I think and communicate too since my mind is preoccupied with these things (3rd house). Astrology tells us about our inner workings, and the factors that have shaped our characters, and our lives. You might find that your emails are not sending, or people are delaying sending important documents etc.. you may also find that you have problems with your internet (especially if its occurring in Aquarius), cellphone, computer or any other technology. So quite literally, Im unique for my interest in the darker aspects of life such as the occult and other mysteries. Disclaimer (2): these descriptions are entirely taken from "Llewellyn Complete Book of Astrology" by Kris Brandt Riske M.A. Virgo needs to learn to put their love, care and attentiom into people, places and things that give love back. Because we feel understood, like our mind, thoughts, ideas are welcomed the most by signs, planets in the 3rd house. Also, a lot of my friends are very no bs kind of people and take charge of their lives. It reveals our repressed sexuality, together with what makes us feel most vulnerable; it expresses the dark side of one's personality, buried deep in the subconscious realms of our psyche. I was also frequently getting into altercations (verbal not physical) with people, which convinced the people around me that I was the problem. Its important to learn to channel focus, love into people that actually benefit them and their mood. Aries Venus people are often attracted to partners who are ambitious and accomplished. Sometimes its difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. I would love to know about anyones experiences with any of the transits I mentioned above! Alternatively, you may be the eternal student. You must also pay attention the the planet that is your chart ruler. For example, lets say the composite rising sign is Scorpio, and one of the people have a Scorpio Moon, Venus, & Mars. This year will likely be one of the most pivotal years of your life. Like actor Adrien Brody, who starred in Roman Polanskis movie The Pianist (2002). However, I believe that Astrology should be used in a way that enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. Speaking of having a sweet tooth! You will never forget anyone who you have this synastry with, as it is THAT intense. I will not say what, as this is not meant to fearmonger, its meant to provide an honest account of my *personal* transit experiences. However, you will likely enter your next solar return year in a completely different financial, physical or even emotional head space. And this is only because the other countries are afraid of destroying their connections!!! Alternatively, their relationships often become public knowledge. Always with earthy, rich purpose. I noticed not just that they enjoy pain, but Aquarius Venus will fall in love when they allow themselves to fall in love and no sooner. Please do not repost any of my posts on any other social media platform What Im One of the most difficult periods of my life was when. Alternatively, you may have a personal planet that is the same as the sign that is on the 5th house of your parents composite chart! It can also refer to destruction, a loved one passing away, and grief. So for me, this means that I like romance and a traditional style of love. Also, Pisces Moon likely didnt go to the kindergarten. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. This is a common theme that Ive noticed among aqua moons! If you have an earth sign (especially Capricorn) over your 5th or 7th house cusps. Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. In astrology, Venus is regarded as one of the two "benefic" planets (the other one being Jupiter), meaning that it brings . Also, my father was apart of these transformations because he divorced my mom and this created a big transformation for me. This is just a random compilation of Astrology Observations & Tips , Originally posted by untouchable-stardust, Please do NOT repost any of my work on any other social media platform . Overtime the two people may find that theres a disconnect between them. Each individuals personal transits and progressions will also impact the synastry between to people. Sad to hear about your announcement. The thing is, then youll see them talk the same way to someone else and some people, especially water signs will see this as a betrayal when they dont mean to hurt anyone, they are just natural socials and want to extend the same kindness and communication to everyone. These people could literally be make up artists, or they might use their art & talents to empower others, and make them feel confident in their own skin. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1. It is literally the degree of supreme power and are well positioned to accomplish big things. Also known as the "household degrees." The 28 is popularly known as the household degree. Obviously 8th house family synastry can manifest in various ways; this is just one way that I have seen it manifest. Imagine not dying but listening to your loved ones under ground asking for your help and you feel helpless and end up hearing them taking their last breath while you are just standing there. Although having Sun square Moon in synastry is considered quite binding and alluring. Moon in the 6th is a workaholic placement! This can be a very financially beneficial year, as the 11th house also represents the money that we earn from our careers. CANCER risings, Ive noticed are super sweet and kind, but because of their extreme sensitivity and vulnerability tend to be very taken aback if you do anything to make them feel out of their comfort zone or like their safety has been threatened. Also Im very motivated to fight for equality and fairness for all. By well aspected, I mean their moon makes trines, and sextile to my planets. If its Mercury, you may work with your siblings, or work in a job that requires you to communicate verbally, write, learn, or teach. So correct, like do you guys really not read history? (This is not a fact, just an observation). However, if you have a sign such as Gemini or Aquarius over the 5th/7th house cusps your friends/family may even be shocked at how different your romantic partners have been to each other physically & personality wise! In terms of synastry, any time someones Mercury made a square to my Ascendant I honestly had no idea what they were trying to say 90% of the time lmao. Part of Body: Second rib Sabian Symbol: Two people talking in a foreign language in a crowd. Alternatively, you may work with your spouse, or work as a marriage counselor. I cant stress this enough. These contacts are meant to teach you about the area of life that is represented by the planet that is aspecting the north node. Originally posted by rosesofthetwilight. For example, lets say your mother has multiple planets (especially her Sun or her Venus) falling into your 8th house. , I keep wanting to say Cancer Sun, but I think its more like Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising and Gemini Moon , Libra sun in the 6th, moon in the 4th in Leo and Taurus rising . Neptune also relates to pain. MC shows how you interact with people on social media, through writing on social media. it can also sound like "if . Whats holding you back from being the best version of yourself and what can you do about it? The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. So my sun is at 3 in the 7th house which is at 7. 8th house doesnt show how you will die. Synastry shows us how two people relate to each other, and how their individual energies are likely going to interact with each other. Alternatively, it can mean that you feel as if they have the potential to impact your reputation or your professional success! They are actually some of the most confrontational and straight to the point people. This is especially true with Mars opposite Mars, Venus square Mars, and Mars square Mars. However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. They also made progress very slow when it came to work, and just moving ahead in life. My IC is in the 25 which is an Aries degree and I had a very rough childhood. Libra risings are also often very quiet, but I think this one depends. Ive noticed a significant change in my emotional expression, and how I approach the world and my responsibilities. This is especially true if you have planets such as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter/Neptune (ruler of Ascendant) in your Solar return 5th house. My take is: ARIES MOON CAPRICORN MOON CANCER VENUS GEMINI MOON VIRGO, GEMINI OVER THE 7TH HOUSE Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. Mercury retrogrades are arguably one of the more popular and mainstream astrological happenings. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1 3=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15/27) Stephenie Meyer, unfortunately the author of the Twilight saga, has three brothers. They have this idea that you have to stick with your partner through love and sickness, illness. Bella is undoubtedly a self insert character, and was given the name because thats what Stephenie wanted to name her daughter. The only difference is that they are more impulsive in love. 3)Planets/Asteroids: Characters/Archetypes of an area of life. I also became very interested in fitness as a way to relieve stress, and thus I noticed a significant change in my physical appearance when Saturn transited my 1st house. your 5th house being in the 6 degree). Ive found that people who are mars dominant or have prominent Aries or Scorpio placements in their charts really enjoy fitness or some kind of physical activity/hobby. If you have planets like Jupiter, Venus or the Sun in the solar return 7th house, you may be attracting new love into your life. With 5th house synastry, I found it to be more of a friends with benefits kind of thing. Some celebrities/ public figures who have (or had) Saturn in the 10th are: Kim kardashian, Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Albert Einstein, JFK are some examples. It is also said that people with this degree challenge the status quo and could be impulsive. So for me, my Venus is in the 7 in the 7th house, at 7 LMAO. Opposing stelliums in synastry charts - These relationships need to work on balancing polarizing energies.There can be a push and pull feeling in these relationships, possibly leaving one or both parties feeling unfulfilled if not addressed. The Aries degrees are 1, 13, and 25. During this time, I started planning for my future and getting serious about my life. Mars is my Malefic by Sect. As with the 7th house and 7 relationships are also a big motivator for me; I always want to do whats best for my relationship and will fight for my relationships no matter what it takes (this can be my downfall ofc). She had a natal Scorpio midheaven, which would explain why some people loved her intensely whilst others disliked her very strongly. Their main topics in life that they learn are connected with family members, raising children, how they define family, creating a sense of security, safety for themselves. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. And on the top of that FRENcH is making fun of the situation and laughing at the kids who are buried and dying just because turkey and Syria are Muslim countries !!! This is especially true if they have other cardinal placements, or prominent fire in their charts. Exes often come back as this is a time of re-thinking and going back to re-evaluate how we have behaved and communicated. Where we have squares and oppositions in our charts, are just the areas of life, where we will need to work a little harder to overcome any issues that may arise. Saturn transiting your 1st house is often associated with weight loss, and I can confirm that weight-loss is very likely during this transit. When you add 1+3, you get 4, which is Cancer, a cardinal water sign. Its a very small, but significant epiphany. This is because they are often attracted to partners who are eccentric and unconventional. He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. Ive also noticed that Leo descendent people tend to attract people who are well known. Its not to say your entire life will be falling apart! Taurus and Cancer are huge potato lovers. If you have this aspect natally, or have an outer planet squaring your sun in your birth chart, this may not be a completely terrible transit, as you are likely used to this energy. Although it was arguably the worst time of my life, for many reasons other than what I listed. Follow @sosastrology" Also, I tend to become too absorbed by my routines and I feel that if Im not doing enough Im lazy. Gemini and Virgo Sun and Moon people love ASMR, but not all things. GEMINI (Im using a Dove because they are messengers just like Gemini) risings are super playful and easy to get along with, they make you feel comfortable and at home in conversation like youve known each other for years. Sad to hear about your announcement. Sometimes its because one parent passed away or they have both parents, but they were primarily raised by the one parent. If you have very little earth in your chart, you might find that you struggle when it comes to perseverance. In Astrocartography, you can feel really at home in the locations in which your Moon/DC line runs through. They also take their friends recommendation very very seriously. Oh this is a really interesting question. If your dominant planet is Jupiter, you may be a deeply spiritual or religious person. Pluto: Your degree here shows the themes of your transformations throughout life as well as your fears and obsessions. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS #1. these observations are based on my own experience with these placements. This is not to provide false hope, or to fearmonger, its always interesting to see how transits play out for different people. However, once its passed you will become an incredibly strong person, and you will find that you more equipped to deal with lifes challenges moving forward. You will likely work in a career or a profession that allows you to work closely with another person. Sometimes their mothers were not physically present, and other times they were present, but emotionally absent. Also, I tend to spend a lot of money on home decor and decorating my room in general, so this is where I overindulge. Physical comfort & security are key for these people to feel emotionally safe and secure. (i.e. You may also see Saturn sextile Ascendant or Venus trine Saturn synastry aspects in some of your long-term friendships! But its like a double-edged sword, your boys could very easily steal your girl from you by keeping her close to them.

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