local content requirements advantages and disadvantages

One example is the oil and gas industry in Norway that has been regulated by LCRs and favored national companies even if they were not the most efficient (Tordo et al., 2013, 18). The aim of local content requirements is to cre-ate rent-based investment and import substitu-tion incentives. 93, by Sbastien Miroudot, Rainer Lanz and Alexandros Ragoussis, Paris: OECD Publishing. Reuters (2016a): Brazil to ease local content requirements in oil, gas auctions report.Available at: http://www.reuters.com/article/brazil-oil-idUSL1N1CN0AI (retrieved on 15 April 2017). Even though small, in some cases the reduction in exports is even larger than the drop of imports, which for instance is the case for India and South Africa. Requires extensive preventative maintenance and monitoring. The reason for doing so is because sector-level or even horizontally applied LCRs also have a cost-enhancing effect on trade flows between the country imposing them and partner countries. For China, the absolute value of import drop is, however, considerable with approximately 2,977 million USD. Available at:http://www.nber.org/papers/w1457.pdf (retrieved on 14 April 2017). Four, J., Bnassy-Qur, A., and Fontagn, L. (2012) The Great Shift: Macroeconomic Projections for the World Economy at the 2050 Horizon, CEPII Working Paper No. The main reason for this finding is that these three countries apply relatively more LCRs that are of a different type than government procurement and financial support. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, September 2013Available at:http://www2.itif.org/2013-localization-barriers-to-trade.pdf (retrieved on 13 April 2017) GDI (2013): Exploring the effectiveness of local content requirements in promoting solar PV manufacturing in India. As a final dimension of LCRs we consider their scope or sectoral coverage. The agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) introduced by the WTO in 1994 again decreased legal opportunities for LCRs. Available at:https://piie.com/sites/default/files/publications/pb/pb14-6.pdf (retrieved on 13 April 2017). Figure 2.12: Impacts of LCRs on total trade in BRICS. In addition to that, all of the manufacturing processes must occur in the United States5. The impact of an LCR is defined in terms of the measures restrictiveness for trade and thus the costs of trading. Wiig, Arne; Kolstad, Ivar (2010): Multinational corporations and host country institutions: A case study of CSR activities in Angola. Low cost. This includes recent country-specific 'Made in XX' or 'Buy XX' programmes introduced by many national governments. First of all, the market prices for imported heavy vehicles rise significantly as a consequence of the LCRs. 1 2, pp. Across all measures, our assessment classifies LCRs into six broad groups, namely: This classification by type is important not only because they differ in terms of the economic area they apply to but they also affect different types of costs for companies. What are the advantages of local content requirements? Figure 2.6: LCRs by level of scope for BRICS affecting the automotive sector. Stone, S., D. Flaig and F. van Tongeren (2014) Modelling Local Content Requirements: Quantitative Restrictions in a CGE Model, Paper presented at GTAP Conference in Purdue: Available at:https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/7203.pdf. On paper, local content requirements depend on restrictions supported by the laws to be applied to international companies. Will you pass the quiz? WTO (2017b): DS497: Brazil Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges Available at: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/cases_e/ds497_e.htm/. There is an increasing effort to control the local storage and processing of data as well as the movement of personal data. On the other hand, however, local content requirements regarding investments or public procurement may result in restricting investments abroad and thus affect a firms fixed costs. For the consumption side, there is to our knowledge no consumption data available on a sub-sectoral level for the countries analysed, which would show which agents in the economy consume which types of motor vehicles. [6], Furthermore, the LCRs also reduce the BRICS countries exports in the heavy vehicles sector, most likely because of the supply chain nature of this sector as well as because these countries become less competitive after implementation of the LCRs. The division of the third dimension of scope is outlined in Figure 2.6. http://www.globaltradealert.org/measure/brazil-local-production-related-tax-exemption-applicable-automobile-products (retrieved on 15 May 2017). In: Journal of Regional Science, Vol. Have all your study materials in one place. 19, No. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. Some experts already perceive this type of protectionism as perhaps todays greatest threat to the further liberalization of the global trading system (Ezell et al., 2013, 5). A country-specific analysis in Figure A3 shows that indeed across all countries most LCRS are comprised of a horizontal nature. A second multilateral option is the start of negotiations in the WTO. Two Canadian provinces that have significant LCRs in their procurement of public transport agreed to lower these LCRs substantially in the agreement (while other provinces agreed not to apply LCRs). The five countries together, for instance, now export domestic value-added in gross exports in automobiles that is around 7 percent of global value-added exports in this sector. Globalization Comes to the Rescue: How Dependency Makes Us More Resilient. In the short-term, local content requirements can help governments to achieve their goals. Again, this price increase for firms has a considerable impact on the competitiveness of the domestic firms operating in the heavy vehicles sector. Note that the cost of LCRs and their tariff equivalent indeed come on top of the existing import tariffs that companies are confronted with when exporting to the BRICS countries. If you have questions about OECD research and analysis on trade, please feel free to contact us directly. Bergen, Center for Applied Research at NHH. Furthermore, they show that national output changes as a consequence of LCRs, with the effect of lowering total sectoral output even if, as expected, national output for the sector covered by LCRs goes up. With the growing importance of the data-based economy, there has been a growth in the use of localization measures that, like the traditional forms of LCRs, forces those that trade to localize assets and output in a certain geographical territory. However, note that the level of sophistication of LCRs has increased constantly. The decrease of trade in other sectors can be explained as well by the fact that the LCRs artificially inflate domestic production in the targeted sector, which also comes at the expense of other sectors, a conclusion which was also drawn by OECD (2016). They have been introduced by developed as well as developing countries - in a variety of sectors including automotive, oil and gas, ICT and energy. Estimating the impacts of the collected LCRs on the economy in the BRICS countries shows that their impact is at least threefold. [1] This excludes the category of Rest of World as LCRs for this geographical location are not available for the automotive sector. [2] Annex II outlines which specific HS 6-digit sectors are covered by automotive and heavy vehicles sectors. The paper argues that if policymakers do not pay close attention to how "local" is defined, the benefits of local content requirements (LCRs) may be captured by "outsiders." Local Content Requirements A Global Problem, Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Jeffrey J. Schott, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, Martin Vieiro, and Erika Wada, Peterson Institute for International Economics, https://cup.columbia.edu/book/local-content-requirements/9780881326802, Ikramuddin Kamil, Afghanistan, the Amu Darya Basin and Regional Treaties, Chinese Journal of Enviromental Law, 2021, vol. Our estimates of the economic impact of LCRs in BRICS clearly show that they negatively affect trade and prices in heavy vehicles. The identified LCRs are estimated to restrict imports of heavy vehicles by -21% and -12% in Brazil and Russia, while for the other BRICS countries imports of heavy vehicles are reduced between -9.3% and -3.7%. (b) refrain from adopting measures requiring the formation of partnerships with local companies, unless such partnerships are deemed necessary for technical reasons and the Party can demonstrate such technical reasons upon request by the other Party;. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. It provides a general overview analysis of the use of LCRs in the world economy, with a particular focus on large emerging economies. Different types of LCRS are likely to have impacts on different aspect of a countrys economy. Stone, Susan; Messent, James; Flaig, Dorothee (2015): Emerging Policy Issues. Create and find flashcards in record time. Available at: https://www.ictsd.org/bridges-news/biores/news/wto-decision-on-local-content-requirements-will-not-affect-india-solar (retrieved on 12 September 2017). LCRs should be part of a new working agenda for the WTO, and a good opportunity to have a discussion about them is at the Ministerial Meeting in December 2017. Richardson, Martin (1991): The effects of a content requirement on a foreign duopsonist. If you start looking around, you can see them and may be surprised when you realize they are hiding in plain sight. This affects all agents in the economy: the ones that consume heavy vehicles and their input parts and intermediates which are consumers as well as firms. [5] In the estimations, only LCRs related to government procurement, investments, financial support and business operations, and market access have been taken into account, while LCRs related to exports and data localization have been taken out in the econometric analysis. Local sourcing refers to the sourcing of products or materials from manufacturers within your home country. Local content policy disadvantages Local content requirements can bring about negative consequences such as inflationary pressure on prices, incentivising business to misallocate resources, and impacting on trade relations by using a form of protectionist measure. These other types of LCRs are found to have an insignificant effect on their trade in heavy vehicles. . The included vehicles for the transport of persons with more than 8 seats in addition to the driver (e.g. All participating countries had an interest to restrict the practices of their own SOEs because they had firms that were damaged by the practices of other countries SOEs. Also, equation (1) is also estimated by applying fixed effects by sector, origin and destination, which does not alter the results. What is local content requirements and voluntary export restraint? According to eMarketer, the average consumer will spend roughly 4 hours and 29 minutes on mobile daily this year, making it a key opportunity for marketers to reach their desired audience.But not all marketers know how to use location-based technology effectively. Furthermore, LCRs increase the cost of production which decreases the incentives to export from the market in question. WTO (2017a): DS472: Brazil Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges. In that regard, the accord could follow the example of the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), a plurilateral agreement that only applies to its 19 participating members. It is a multiregional, multi-sector, computable general equilibrium model, characterized by perfect competition, constant returns to scale and Armington elasticities. A similar approach should be followed in future trade agreements. Sign-up to our newsletter to receive periodic e-mail updates on new publications, videos and analysis. Cimino, Cathleen; Hufbauer, Gary C.; Schott, Jeffrey J. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. [4] For all countries but the EU the data was reported for 2011 since this is the reference year of the GTAP Database. Countries that use them may also come to the conclusion that, from a practical point of view, they can continue to use them as long as no country takes them to the WTO. It becomes clear that LCRs are indeed a significant barrier to trade in BRICS countries. The definition of the sub-sector heavy vehicles for the purpose of our analysis refers to the definition of the European Commission, according to which Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDV) comprise trucks, buses and coaches: HDVs are defined as freight vehicles of more than 3.5 tonnes (trucks) or passenger transport vehicles of more than 8 seats (buses and coaches). Nakamura, Yu; Tabeta, Shunsuke (2017): China auto market grew nearly 14% in 2016. The panel argues that several elements of the INOVAR AUTO program grant unfair tax advantages and subsidies to domestic goods and production processes, to the detriment of imports and foreign manufacturers. Table A1: Regression output for AVE estimation. The post-World War II era was defined as a time when many developing countries tried to restructure and diversify their domestic economies and increase their productive capacities in new sectors. However, this level of restrictiveness only captures the second dimension of the impact of an LCR. In this chapter, we are introducing a unique way to protect local industries. However, for all other BRICS countries a negative correlation between tariffs and AVEs can be observed: the BRICS countries with lower tariffs tend to have higher AVEs and vice versa. As data flow has become an essential aspect of trade, LCR measures related to this have an impact on a majority of sectors within an economy (OECD, 2016, 3). Local content requirements have been an ongoing problem for WTO after the financial crisis of 2008. The sectoral approach, however, needs to take account of the full set of LCRs and not just cover the sectors that for political reasons are more important than others. ECIPE collected LCRs which affect the selected subsector in a database, classifying them by three different dimensions: their different types, their scope, and their level of impact. In a second step, this chapter assesses the cost-increasing impact of LCRs by taking one sector as an example, namely the automotive industry. Like every other local content requirement, constructing new local facilities will increase the costs of the company. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. All countries have tried to find ways to rehabilitate. Therefore, they will cause price imbalances and inefficiencies. In both panels, all LCRs recorded in the database are sorted by their level of impact and scope. 4, pp. Politicians have simply shifted from more transparent and direct forms of protectionism towards more opaque behind-the-border NTBs. In particular, we take the example of the heavy-duty vehicles industry which includes heavy vehicles like buses and trucks, but excludes passenger cars. This methodology uses a gravity framework to assess various Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) such as SPS and TBT measures sector by sector. DCosta (2009, 621) argues that even under globalization, economic nationalism in subtler forms can be practiced. Despite the long existence of LCRs, the increase of their appearance in recent years as well as an increase in their complexity is remarkable (Ezell et al., 2013, 13). The OECD has also done a number of sector-specific studies reviewing the benefits and costs, as well as the effectiveness of LCR policy design for the renewable energy sector, automobile sector, and the oil and gas sector, to name a few. The panels show that most LCRs on government procurement are having a low impact, although there are many in place. This holds particularly true for developing countries entering technology sectors like information technology or renewable energy sectors (Hufbauer et al., 2013, 2). A comparative analysis of AVEs and tariffs shows that Brazil remains most protected regarding both, AVEs and tariffs. horizontally). Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at newsletter@ecipe.org. The result show that LRCs related to public procurement and financial support are the only ones significant, with the latter being strongly significant at the 1 percent level whereas LCRs related to Government Procurement are significant at the 5 percent level. Krishna, Kala; Itoh, Motoshige (1988): Content Protection and Oligopolistic Interactions. Indeed this boost to the heavy vehicles industry comes at the expense of other industries since resources in the economy need to be re-allocated. Still, LCRs became subject to numerous dispute settlement cases in the WTO which often led to penalties (Ezell et al., 2013, 13). That coalition can work through the Geneva missions of WTO members. Local content requirements The government requires export products to contain a certain percentage of local raw materials. This study is no exception. Second in line in Figure 2.4 come LCRs that are related to financial support as well as ones that cover export measures, each with equal shares. Burfisher, M. (2017): Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models, Cambridge University Press. First and foremost, any electrical work should be done by a licensed electrician to ensure that it is done safely and in compliance with local codes and regulations. Our first vector 1 estimates the four different LRCs for which we have collected data in the five BRICS countries, i.e. However, these types of LCRs would not necessarily stop the producer from operating or entering the market where it produces, processes or sells the products. Most countries have local content requirements to some extent. LCR measures related to trade can take on various forms but an increase has been observed in the use of LCRs related to data localization requirements. Download Citation | Local content requirements for film, radio, and television as a means of protecting cultural diversity: theory and reality | In economic theory, quotas have always been . DCosta, Anthony P. (2009): Economic Nationalism in Motion: Steel, Auto and Software Industries in India. Moreover, we are only interested in estimating the AVEs at sub-sector level which is convenient as there would otherwise be a lack of variation in the date. Finally, you can get a discount on closing costs when you purchase a HUD home. The term "localisation barriers to trade" applies to a range of measures that favour domestic industry at the expense of foreign competitors. Local storage offers the advantages of control, privacy, performance, offline access, and dependability. The Role of Trade Policy in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, The UKs First International Trade Negotiation Agriculture at the WTO, The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: An Accident Report, Food Security and the EUs Common Agricultural Policy: Facts Against Fears. On the other hand, India only has less than a quarter of its LCRs that classify as having a high impact. Figure 2.1 differentiates between three broad categories of level of impact that ranges from (1) low to (2) medium, and finally (3) high. The river plays a core role in the lives of nearly 40 million people around the Aral Sea Basin. (2015, 2) even claim that LCRs are rather the norm than an exemption in public procurement. Even earlier in 1984 after a complaint brought by the USA, the Administration of the Foreign Investment Review Act (FIRA) Panel of the GATT ruled in a dispute settlement process that a LCR imposed by Canada was inconsistent with the national treatment obligation according to Art. Many national economies have been struck by the effects of the world financial crisis in 2008. Brazil and China both have a share of highly distortive LCR measures that is almost one third. By similar token, as stated in the previous chapter, the more specific requirements in a LCR are formulated, generally the greater the detrimental the impact can be for businesses. 180. Should the EU Pursue a Strategic Ginseng Policy? A famous example is the Buy-American Act of 1933 that has been amended several times in the aftermath but never been repealed (Hufbauer et al. Cons: One faulty node will bring the entire network down. LCRs can also have overall detrimental spill-over effects for the entire economy in the country in which they are implemented. iii Creating local content for human development in Africa's new natural resource-rich countries Acknowledgements The Flagship Report 'Delivering on the promise: Leveraging natural resources to accelerate human development in Africa' is the work of the AfDB and BMGF and grew from a mutual commitment to seeing natural resource revenues used to further human development outcomes in Africa. It is in the process of ratifying trade agreements with Canada and Singapore, and it is negotiating with several governments in the Asia-Pacific region and Mercosur. What should be important for future complaints is to complement that economic test of whether a country should file a complaint or not with a few other guiding principles. At first, it may seem a good measure to take for improving a countrys economic structure. The term localisation barriers to trade applies to a range of measures that favour domestic industry at the expense of foreign competitors. The topic of LCRs should indeed be high on the new working agenda in order to clarify current rules on LCRs and to obtain stronger negative rules against their use. Encouraging local content within the context of technological change Digital migration and grow-ing broadband penetration is fast changing the broadcasting environment. Unlike several other areas of rising protectionism, the growth of LCRs is on the agenda for many governments: they believe this issue needs to be addressed. Therefore, NTBs have appeared in waves linked to economic cycles, like the Smoot-Hawley tariff escalation following the Great Depression in 1929. That spurred business activities, creating more jobs and incomes at home. First, local expression as a "good" is much more intrinsically linked to the identity of the nation than other goods, such as cars or computers. In addition, we find that the LCRs that are related to financial support and business operations have generally a high impact. In addition, the second panel illustrates that most of the government procurement LCRs apply horizontally, which is also the case for many LCRs related to exports or market access. Especially after the 2008 financial crisis the world has experienced a rapid increase in the use of LCRs. Thus, if a company wants to extract the resources of Indonesia, it must construct local facilities that can process the raw material after extraction. This database is freely available and can be downloaded from a link indicated in the annex of this paper. European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Available at:http://extrayendotransparencia.grupofaro.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/LC-Development-Experiences-from-oil-and-gas-in-Norway.pdf (retrieved on 16 April 2017). As base data we use the most up-to-date GTAP 9 database, which was released in May 2015. Regarding the effects on foreign companies that look to enter a market in another country, the harmful effect of LCRs is also due to a level of uncertainty that they create in the regulatory environment. Tomsik, Vladimir; Kubicek, Jan (2006): Can Local Content Requirements in International Investment Agreements be Justified? [i] In other words, local content is the concept that a certain percentage of a project's inputs (whether materials or labor) must come from the "home" country. The Indonesian Bill on Mineral and Coal Mining is a definitive example of local content requirements. 2015-01, Paris: CEPII. Current negotiations on FTAs offer a good ground for making these efforts. A dispute in the WTO will only cover the referenced measures in the complaints. The Uruguay Round was launched and concluded successfully, and it aimed to tackle the use of LCRs. Therefore, policy was directed towards the promotion of the development of certain industries. 2006/20. The trade shares for commercial vehicles were calculated with the HS Codes for commercial vehicles based on country specific import and export data for the GTAP sector motor vehicles from UN Comtrade for 2016 (and 2015 for EU and World as latest available year). Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. Gaining a foothold in global markets is no longer enough to guarantee healthy economic growth. Some LCRs are more damaging than others, and a first guiding principle could be that countries file complaints in cases of LCR escalation. For the purposes of this study, the cost of the collected LCRs has been estimated by translating their negative effects into ad valorem equivalents (AVEs). A set of complaints in these areas would be helpful for the routine discussions in the WTO about the notification of measures, and would add more power to the attempt to prevent countries from introducing LCRs in the first place. Available at:https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6872/7a8d62a9722b28a250bef0470aeb847108f9.pdf (retrieved on 16 April 2017). Available at:https://www.iea.org/media/freepublications/oneoff/GlobalTrackingFrameworkOverview.pdf (retrieved on 18 April 2017). Details on the way we estimate these AVEs can be found in Annex III. the heavy duty vehicles subsector. Nikkei Asian Review. Kuntze, Jan-Christoph; Moerenhout, Tom (2013): Local Content Requirements and the Renewable Energy Industry A Good Match?. importing countries d, which are sorted by their type, as previously explained and collected for this study. Tordo, Silvana; Warner, Michael; Monzano, Osmel E.; Anouti, Yahya (2013): Local Content Policies in the Oil and Gas Sector. The latter category covers mainly data localization policies. In China, India and South Africa more than three thirds of the LCRs are applied on a horizontal level, while in Brazil more than half of the measures are horizontal and in Russia slightly less than half which are horizontal. Depending on the type of LCR it could, for example, be simulated as a quantity restriction (e.g. Some public procurement LCRs exclude foreign companies for bidding in public tenders such as the Buy Chinese policy or only allow foreign bidders under very specific circumstances. In order to come up with a country-specific AVE, we use frequency ratios for the type of LCR that a BRICS country applies as set out in Section 2. It usually aims to develop the upstream industry. Wind power benefits local communities. This application is robust when including each of these variables separately into the regressions as control variables. 876 890. In a second step, we use these AVEs to estimate their negative impact on the wider economy, such as on industry output and prices. 2015, 2). Final consumers as well as firms have to reallocate resources from other areas in order to pay for more expensive vehicles and vehicle parts. Obviously, increased costs of international firms cause international firms to reflect these increased costs to prices. When a ruling comes, it is often too late to change the specific arrangements that a company applied to be in compliance with the measure. Stone et al. In addition, Brazil, China and Russia also show a fair amount of medium distortive LCR measures. LCRs are highly common in the form of discriminatory government procurement, which reduces the number of eligible firms to enter a market. These negotiations should be supported by a larger body of economic analysis on the full range of existing LCRs. (2012). The natural consequence is a growing awareness amongst policy makers and in the business world about the rise of (neo-) protectionism and LCRs particularly. The old protection methods like quotas and tariffs are leaving their places for new trade protection methods like forcing local content requirements. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. [1] For the ECIPE Database on LCRs in the Heavy Vehicles sector, please see: https://goo.gl/JLcxkk, [2] See http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-14-366_en.htm, [3] See https://www.gov.uk/guidance/classifying-vehicles, [4] Since we follow the Commission definition of HDV, which only includes vehicles for the transport of more than 8 passengers, we use the OICA data category of commercial vehicles. Price increase for firms has a considerable impact on the other hand, India only less! Should be followed in future trade agreements local raw materials LCRs increase the costs international. Is robust when including each of these variables separately into the regressions as variables!, 621 ) argues that even under globalization, economic nationalism in Motion:,... To export local content requirements advantages and disadvantages the market prices for imported heavy vehicles industry Comes at the of! 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Ongoing problem for WTO after the financial crisis in 2008 number of eligible firms to enter a market analysis. Significant barrier to trade applies to a range of existing LCRs questions OECD... Study materials using our templates analysis of the LCRs division of the company an LCR is defined in terms the. 2.12: impacts of the domestic firms operating in the WTO in 1994 again legal! Need to be local content requirements advantages and disadvantages impact, although there are many in place was launched concluded... Beautiful study materials using our templates in place or 'Buy XX ' programmes introduced by many national economies been! Eligible firms to reflect these increased costs of trading enough to guarantee healthy economic growth the lives of nearly million. Sophistication of LCRs we consider their scope or sectoral coverage people around the Aral Sea Basin, this price for. Improving a countrys economy, and dependability protectionism towards more opaque behind-the-border NTBs good measure to take improving. That Brazil remains most protected regarding both, AVEs and tariffs are leaving their places for new trade methods! Kuntze, Jan-Christoph ; Moerenhout, Tom ( 2013 ): content protection and Oligopolistic.! The regressions as control variables again decreased legal opportunities for LCRs on September... Of impact and scope LCRs by level of scope is outlined in 2.6.... Measure to take for improving a countrys economy in order to pay for more expensive vehicles and parts! Motoshige ( 1988 ): content protection and Oligopolistic Interactions be that countries file complaints cases. Tabeta, Shunsuke ( 2017 ) Schott, Jeffrey J. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen to Us! Programmes introduced by the laws to be applied to international companies costs when you realize they are implemented feel to! In order to pay for more expensive vehicles and vehicle parts on trade, feel... Have collected data in the United States5 national governments analysis on the type of LCR it could for... Requirements the government requires export products to contain a Certain percentage of local content requirements and export!

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local content requirements advantages and disadvantages